Prepare to pay for college with the following financial aid information
The California Student Opportunity & Access Program (Cal-SOAP) and your high school counselor can help you apply. Financial aid is available in the form of grants and scholarships (which do not have to be repaid), student employment or "work study" (a part-time job while attending school), and low-interest loans (which must be repaid). Information on application deadline dates and maximum award amounts is available in the fall of your senior year in high school
There is money available to help you pay for college! For FAFSA, there is also a Federal Methodology needs analysis system which states that you (and your family) have the responsibility to pay for your education to the extent that you are able. (Note: You may be considered exempt from having to enter parental information if you are considered Independent.)
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the main form that most students will need to complete to determine your financial eligibility. Complete this form online by March 2 of 12th grade for your freshman/first year in college and update your information each following year you remain in college. However, the CA Dream Act Application is an option for students who are undocumented or who have a parent(s) with no SSN. Here is a checklist of items you would need to fill out the 2025-2026 FAFSA or CADAA.
The FAFSA will ask for "prior prior" tax information from both you and your parent(s) to determine your financial aid eligibility. For example, if you are a high school senior and you file for FAFSA in spring 2025 (for college school year beginning Fall 2025), you will need tax information from year 2023. In the event you don't have the tax information, you may use estimates and correct it later. FAFSA determines the amount of money that your family should reasonably be able to afford for your college education. There may be other forms required in order to receive maximum financial aid (eg., GPA Verification Form, CSS PROFILE, and institutional forms). To learn more about financial aid for college, visit this website: www.finaid.org
The FAFSA determines if you are eligible for many types of financial aid including grants (free money!), part-time employment via work study, loans and some scholarships. Note: If you choose to accept an educational loan it will need to be repaid.
Your goal is to finish college and get into a career with the least amount of student loans taken out!!
California Grants
CAL Grant A
The purpose of the Cal Grant A is to provide financial assistance to students from low income families in meeting tuition and fees. Cal Grant A recipients are selected on the basis of financial need and academic ability. Grant awards are adjusted annually and range from about $5,000 to about $14,000 per year depending on the institution. A student who decides to attend a community college must request that this grant be held in reserve until they transfer to a four-year institution.
CAL Grant B
The Cal Grant B is for students from disadvantaged or very low income families who otherwise would not be able to pursue a post-secondary education. Cal Grant B awards for first-year students are usually limited to assisting with living expenses, books and supplies, and transportation (a living allowance or monthly access grant). When renewed by sophomores, juniors and seniors, a Cal Grant B may also cover all or part of tuition and fees. Cal Grant B typically allows a maximum access grant of around $1,700 (living allowance) and the maximum award for tuition and fees can be about $5,000 to $14,000 per year depending on the institution.
CAL Grant C
The Cal Grant C was developed to assist vocationally oriented students to acquire a meaningful and marketable job skill in occupations designated by the state as being in demand. This grant may not be used to pursue a four-year degree program. To qualify, vocational training must be on a full- or part-time basis. Cal Grant C awards can be up to $2,500 for training-related costs and $1,000+ for books and supplies.
Middle Class Scholarship
The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) provides undergraduate students, including students pursuing a teaching credential, with family incomes and assets up to $171,000 a scholarship to attend University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) campuses.
Students must meet the following requirements: be a California resident attending a UC or CSU; be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or have AB 540* student status; meet certain income/asset and other financial aid standards; maintain satisfactory academic progress; not be in default on a student loan; and, must not be incarcerated
You may receive the MCS award for up to 4 years depending on education level when awarded.
CA College Promise Grant Fee Waiver for Community Colleges
State law requires that students attending a community college pay an enrollment fee and a health fee. Students enrolled in credit classes are currently required to pay $46 per unit (typically about $552/semester based on 12 units/semester.)
Eligible students can receive the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) fee waiver (formerly Board of Governors Waiver (BOGW)), a state-funded program, which will waive the enrollment fees for eligible applicants (Please Note: The health fee will not be waived for most students and parking fees will not be reduced for students receiving the special circumstance CCPG-A). Only California residents can be considered for this waiver.
When you fill out the admissions application for a community college, you will also be prompted to fill out the Promise application (FAFSA or CADAA also required.)
Chafee Grant (for Foster Youth)
If you are or were in foster care for at least one day, between the ages of 16 and 18 as a dependent or ward of the court and have financial need, you may qualify for up to $5,000 a year for career and technical training or college. You don’t have to pay this money back. You may also be able to use your grant to help pay for child care, transportation and rent while you’re in school. You can use your Chafee Grant at any eligible California college or university or career or technical school, as well as schools in other states.
Submit a FAFSA or Dream Act application AND a Chafee application online
California Dream Act Application for AB-540 Students (Students without SS#)
The California Dream Act Application is used to determine the California State financial eligibility of students who meet the qualifications of Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540-students without Social Security Number). The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will process this application. Any aid received can only be used at eligible California institutions. You may apply FREE over the Internet here. The Dream Act Application is not an application for federal financial aid, but for state aid from California. If you need help with educated-related immigration issues or paperwork, go to Immigrants Rising. Undocumented students can use this worksheet to determine your eligibility for in-state tuition in California
Federal Grants
Federal Pell Grant Program
The Federal Pell Grant is intended to assist eligible low- and middle-income students to attend a college or university of their choice. Pell Grants are available to undergraduate students with financial need who will be attending an eligible college or vocational school at least half time. Pell Grants typically pay up to $7,000.
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
The Federal SEOG Program provides supplemental funding for students with exceptional financial need. Once the Federal Pell Grant is awarded, the college financial aid office will assist eligible students in determining whether or not they qualify for Federal SEOG.
*Students apply for federal, most state and some private aid by completing the Free Application-for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); however, certain state and private aid programs have priority-deadline dates and require an additional form(CSS Profile). To find out more about deadline dates and which forms are required, contact your high school counselor, college financial aid office, or state scholarship/grant agency. https://mygrantinfo.csac.ca.gov/
Campus-based Funds
Colleges and universities offer several types of scholarships and financial awards (such as employment under the Federal College Work-Study Program). Students apply for these campus-based funds by completing the FAFSA and any other form required by the Financial Aid office of the institution they plan to attend.
California Veterans' Dependents College Fee Waiver
Under this program, "state mandated" and "per unit" fees are waived for qualified students. The waiver is applicable at any California Community College, California State University, or University of California campus. Eligibility is determined by the County Veterans Service Office: www.sdcounty.ca.gov or www.cacvso.org. For more information regarding eligibility questions, contact the Veterans Service Office at 1-888-694-3222, or the Admission Office of any California system campus.
California CHAFEE
Foster youth (ages 16 through 21) in California may qualify for the California Chafee Grant administered by the California Student Aid Commission. Eligible students may receive up to $5,000 a year for college or job training, in addition to any other state or federal aid they may receive. Learn more about this program here or call toll free: 888.224.7268.
Loans should be considered only as a last resort to finance your education. If you need to apply for a low-interest loan, discuss your options and the best loan package available with the financial aid officer at your college of choice. Sometimes low-interest loans are necessary. Note: loan cancellation benefits are available to students who become teachers in certain subjects or special education. Remember: Loans must be repaid!!
Learn More!
Go to www.californiacolleges.edu for more information on admissions, financial aid, and career exploration.
Learn more about financial aid and how to apply for it: www.finaid.org and here
Apply for FAFSA by CA priority deadline
Student and a parent(s) will each need a FSA ID for your electronic signature on your FAFSA.
If your parent does not have a social security number and you're unsure about which form to fill out, see additional resources
After the FAFSA is submitted, reports will be available in your Federal Student Aid account.
What is an FSA ID?
A FSA ID is a username and password that students, parents, and borrowers must use to log in to certin U.S. Department of Education websites. You will be able to create an FSA ID when visiting certain U.S. Department of Education websites.
Student and parent should each have an email address
Student and parent(s) should each have or obtain an appropriate email address, such as Gmail. We strongly recommend you use something student will have AFTER high school (NOT a high-school-affiliated email address like sandi.net or gomperstudent, hightechhigh, guhsd, suhsd, etc.)
Check your spam, bulk or junk inbox before emptying it - important information may have been forwarded to this location.
No Social Security Number? (AB 540 Students or DACA)
The California Dream Act Application is used to determine the California state financial eligibility of students who meet the qualifications of Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540).
The California student Aid Commission (CSAC) will process this application. Any aid received can only be used at eligible California institutions.
The Dream Act Application is not an application for federal financial aid. AB 540 students are eligible for state financial aid like the University of California Grants, State University Grants and Board of CA Community College Promise.
Completing and submitting the Dream Act Application is free. Go to the California Dream Act website at CA Dream Act or call CSAC at 888-224-7268. For extra help and resources, check Immigrants Rising.
Attend local financial aid workshops
Attend a Cal-SOAP Cash for College Workshop and get help with your FAFSA or Dream Application by March 3rd, 2025.
You will need to re-apply for FAFSA or CA Dream Application every year you are a college student. They are not renewed automatically.
Get started TODAY!
Be scholarship savvy! scholarships can help you decrease your dependence on student loans. Get involved in community service, be a volunteer, and share your future goals with people in your community.
This network of people will be able to support your college dreams and write your letters of recommendation - which may be a scholarship requirement.
Once you identify the scholarship eligibility requirements. You may be able to qualify for eligibility by becoming active in their specified area of interest criteria.
No Social Security Number? Look for AB 540 (California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request for Eligible California High school Graduates) information and scholarships not determined by residency status on this website: www.maldef.org