Familiarize yourself with the deadlines for application and financial aid.

Admission Application Deadlines
University of California (UC)
August 1: The UC Application opens for the academic term beginning Fall of the following year.
November 30: Application deadline for UC Applications
The University's Application for Undergraduate Admission and Scholarship is available here .
You may apply to as many UC general campuses as you wish using one application.
The application fee of $80 entitles California residents to apply to one University campus; if you apply to more than one campus, you must pay an additional $80 for each campus you select. *A different fee applies if you are considered an International Student.
The application process, fees and fee waivers, and information about items you must submit with your application are explained in the application.
Most campuses are not able to accept applications for a term after its filing period ends.
California State University (CSU)
Admission Application Deadlines
October 1: CSU Application opens online. November 30: Application deadline for CSUs.
Applications and information here
There is a $70 application fee for each CSU and you must apply separately to each campus.
Application fee waivers are available on the application page.
After the initial filing period has ended, some campuses will continue to accept applications in majors and class levels as long as they have room for new students; check with the campus for more information.
Availability of space in majors and class levels varies within the system.
Individual CSU campuses should be contacted for more information on initial and subsequent filing periods.
Educational Opportunity Program
The University of California and California State University systems have offices designed to improve access and retention of historically low-income and/or educationally disadvantaged students who have potential for academic success and might not otherwise be able to attend a public university. To be considered for EOP, indicate your interest when you fill out the admission application on line and follow the prompt.
Each campus' EOP office or similar program aids in the academic success of such students by providing a comprehensive program of support services. Typical services may include, but are not limited to:
Special admissions eligibility criteria for a limited number of applicants
Summer programs
If you are eligible, an EOP grant may be awarded
Academic advisement and tutoring
Personal, education, and career counseling
Each campus tailors its programs to accommodate the needs of its student population. Please check with the EOP office at your respective campus for further details and research which specific EOP services are offered at that campus. More information can be found here.
Independent Colleges & Universities in California
Check individual college and university websites for application deadlines. While some universities and colleges have early deadlines, others have "rolling" or"open" admissions which means applications are accepted as long as space is available.
California Community Colleges
Generally, graduating high school seniors can begin to apply in February. Applications should be submitted as soon as campuses will accept them. California Community Colleges
Many community colleges will accept application on a continuous basis, but applying after the deadline (June/July) may put you on a wait list and you may not be enrolled when school starts in August.
Check with each individual community college regarding application deadlines.
Contact the EOPS office for assistance if you are eligible for the program.
Financial Aid Deadlines
California Student Aid Commission
To apply for Cal Grants, to be used only at colleges in California, students must complete the FAFSA or the Dream Act Application.
The priority filing period for Cal Grants A, B, and C is March 2 annually (April 2, for 2024 only)
The FAFSA or Dream Act should be submitted during a student's senior year. Priority deadline for funding is March 2.
Federal Pell Grant
Students may apply for Federal Pell Grants by completing the FAFSA. They will receive a Student Aid Report letting them know whether they're eligible for a federal grant, loans and work study.
University of California
The priority filing date for the FAFSA or CA Dream Act is March 2 (April 2 for 2024 only). Financial aid applications will be accepted after the priority filing date, but awards will only be made to late applicants as long as funds are available.
California State University
The priority filing date for the FAFSA or CA Dream Act is March 2 (April 2 for 2024 only). Financial aid applications will be accepted after the priority filing date, but awards will only be made to late applicants as long as funds are available.
Private Colleges & Universities
The March 2 deadline (April 2 for 2024 only) is required for Cal Grant consideration. Check with the financial aid office at the institutions of your choice for their specific application deadlines and filing procedures; many have a different deadline.
Some independent schools require completion of both the FAFSA and the CSS PROFILE and/or an institutional form.
Community Colleges
The March 2 deadline (April 2 for 2024 only) is required for Cal Grant consideration, but most community colleges will accept a student's financial aid application at any time during the school year. You might also qualify for the Promise, which will cover two years of full-time tuition for first-year college students at a California community college.
Contact the financial aid office or EOPS office at the college of your choice for additional application information since this varies from campus to campus.
Out of State Colleges & Universities
Check college websites and contact the financial aid offices for specific deadlines.